Tiger Woods Workout
The success of Tiger Woods on the golf course can not only be traced to his innate ability but also through his hard work and dedication to the sport, which is evident through his vigorous workout training routine. Tiger’s basic routine includes stretching, core training, doing cardio and weight training. To begin his day, Tiger focuses on his core and flexibility. He stretches up to 40 minutes before each workout to improve the range of motion in his joints and get the blood flowing in preparation for exercise. In addition, flexibility training will improve your ability to make a tension-free, full golf swing. It will help create maximum golf swing power and increased driving distance. It really takes a lot of tension off your back, which can be a big injury in golf. After he stretches, he works on his core muscles. Core strength is one of the most important things for a golfer to have as a more powerful core results in a stronger shot and explosion. Similar to stretching, a strong core results in more stability for the back and better posture and balance. Back injuries are some of the most nagging and prevalent issues for golfers so a strong core can help prevent this.
Tiger then does cardio, focusing on either a run or a bike ride. If Tiger chooses to run, he would do a three-mile speed run or an endurance run up to seven miles. It’s good to do a mixture of high intensity training with more moderate training. This builds up both your slow and fast-twitch muscle fibers and gives some extra variety to your cardiovascular conditioning. After his run, Woods hits the weights for two to three hours. On his personal blog, Tiger says of his weight regimen, “The idea is to build the strength I need to crush a golf ball rather than develop big muscle volume. I lift sub-maximal weights at higher reps, sometimes 25 to 50, because I’m going for tone and endurance instead of bulk. Bodybuilders usually lift heavier weights in sets of six to 12 because they’re going for mass. Sometimes, I add plates to break up the routine and challenge myself, but I rarely lift a lot of weight.” Sometimes building bulk can affect a golfer’s swing. Also, strength and size aren’t always correlated so it is possible to build strength without building bulk.

This is a great workout to do for the chest. Using cables works on the stabilizer muscles and even hits the core. This is a great exercise to do to improve your golf swing.
Tiger mixes up his routine with different weight, resistance, and isometric training to consistently keep his muscles guessing to shock his muscles to new growth. However, he is careful never to work to the point of pain, but rather to failure. Tiger trains all of his muscle groups but focuses even more on the more important muscles like his back, shoulders, and legs. Posture is imperative for golfers so Tiger does some extra shoulder and back training. He also focuses more on the legs because the power his swing (and everyone else’s) starts with the lower body.
Now, just how strong is Tiger? I am sure many people are wondering just how much can Tiger Woods bench. According to a story in the Fort Worth Telegram, Tiger was seen recently bench pressing 315 pounds at a fitness center in Fort Worth, Texas. Tiger was taking part in a Nike photo shoot on how some golf athletes train. Tiger weighs around 185 lbs. so he is benching close to double his body weight. He is really strong for his size.
“The workout Tiger did would resemble what an NFL safety would do,” said fitness center owner Larry North. “His strength is mind-boggling for a guy his size. He is very fit and very, very strong. He’s in great shape”.
Furthermore, Tiger’s diet is spot on to make sure he has an absolutely great body. His typical breakfast is an egg white veggie omelet. For lunch and dinner, he mainly eats salads, lean meats, seafood, and vegetables. Most of his carbohydrates come from fruits, vegetables, and sports drinks during his workouts. On the golf course, you will often see him snacking on an apple, banana, or energy bar in between holes. It is important that any athlete gets enough carbohydrates, fat, and protein in his or her diet. Carbohydrates are needed for energy, fat is needed for longer exercise and endurance, and protein is needed to repair and rebulid muscle that is broken down during exercise. It is also needed to help optimize carbohydrate storage in the form of glycogen.
Men’s Fitness