The Mechanics and Benefits of High Intensity Training
High intensity training has been developed and expanded over the years by applying scientifically beneficial weight training techniques to bodybuilding, weightlifting and other fitness venues. HIT techniques provide the greatest results in the shortest amount of time and are used widely by a growing number of athletes and others involved in strength training programs.
What Is H.I.T.?
High intensity training (HIT) combines varied weight amounts and repetitions in order to effectively maximize muscle development. The HIT concept was originally created by the legendary bodybuilder Arthur Jones and has been utilized and built upon since.
Muscle fiber responds best to brief yet intense periods of weight training. This type of weight training accomplishes a few key responses from the body to produce greater muscle mass gains.
First of all, HIT training brings muscle fiber to the point of failure. When muscle tissue is pushed to the point of complete failure or exhaustion then it rebuilds and recovers to its maximum potential in order to meet that type of intense stress again.
Secondly, intense periods of strength training trigger the body to release important hormones which are responsible for helping the traumatized muscle fibers to grow. Testosterone and human growth hormones (HGHs) as well as other beneficial hormones are released to assist with this process.
Also, short, intense periods of exercise cause the body’s metabolism to rise, level out and perform at peak operation. A higher, regulated metabolism means your body will efficiently burn calories and fat, efficiently utilize important body excretions such as insulin and properly consume and utilize nutrients.
The bottom line is that you reach maximum health and conditioning in a short period of time.
Essentials of H.I.T. Training
There are some important aspects of high intensity training which need to be followed. For instance:
- As you work through HIT training, you should reduce repetitions while increasing weight load. The goal is to reach muscle failure within 5 to 8 reps.
- Rest periods during HIT training should be minimal. Target rest periods should be around 30 seconds in between sets and exercises in order to realize maximum benefit.
- The negative portion of the exercises is just as beneficial as the positive aspects. The negative side of an exercise is the release phase such as the lowering of a barbell to your chest. By controlling this motion and allowing the release to work through a slow and steady lowering or releasing of the weight, your muscles benefit greatly.
High intensity training works best if performed for less than an 8 week period. Once you have successfully completed the HIT training routine, you should alter your training program so that 70-75% of your energy is utilized. Look at HIT training as the vehicle by which you build a strong, healthy foundation that can then be effectively built upon thereafter.