Lyzabeth Lopez Interview
Lyzabeth Lopez is an online personal trainer, owner & creator of the Hourglass Workout Franchise and a Registered Holistic Nutritionist.
Why did you decide to start working out?
LL: I started working out in the gym with weights when I was 12. I was in a very bad gymnastic accident at the age of 12. I started to gain weight as I was no longer in gymnastics and turned to the gym. I was lifting heavy weights with the boys daily from the age of 12 where a trainer at the YMCA decided to train me and a bunch of boys that were just hanging out. Since I was training with boys, I lifted like the boys. I did all heavy leg presses, squats and bench presses. It took me a long time to figure out how to train for the shaping of a woman’s body. This was how I got my start though.
What is your preferred workout routine?
LL: I’m always changing my style of training to keep it interesting. Regardless of the style that I’m training (such as kettle bells, machines, Pilates, running etc.), I always train with the Hourglass Shaping techniques that I’ve created. It’s fun to mix it up and keep it functional as long as I maintain the frame that I’ve created for my body.
What is your preferred diet?
LL: As a Holistic Nutritionist, I focus on eating real whole foods. I stay away from diet foods and focus on lean meats, a ton of veggies, and fruit. I add lots of superfoods, and some psudo grains, nuts, seeds, healthy fats etc. It’s a balance of paying attention to my body, making sure that I focus on optimal digestion, happy organs, hydration and an overall healthy body.
If you could pick only 3 exercises to do, what would they be and why?
LL: My three favorite exercises are: 1) deadlifts; 2) Pilates single leg stretch with ankle weights; 3) Sprinting/Running.
What types of supplements do you take and recommend? What are the benefits of each?
LL: Supplements are very personal from person to person and should be based on what your body needs and has a deficiency in. Also, it can be completely dependent on the individual goals of the person. For myself, my supplements change based on the needs of my body. The needs are indicated by blood tests that I do annually to see how I’m doing. Currently, my supplements includes: multivitamin, iron & vitamin C, HCL, acidophilus and glutamine. I’m also currently doing a candida cleanse, so I use all the supplements that assist with my cleanse. The cleanse will last three to four months.
What is your favorite motivational quote?
LL: You can do anything you put your mind to.
What is your proudest fitness accomplishment to date?
LL: After completing as a Pro Fitness/Bikini competitor, it was such an honor training my clients to become PRO’s as well and have them stand beside me on the stage. It’s great to see a person’s dreams become a reality.
What advice would you give for a fitness beginner?
LL: Aim for Health – Side effects may include: weight loss, muscle gain, energy, happiness, etc. Always aim for Health.
Besides fitness, what are your other interests?
LL: I’m a bit of a workaholic. I love working. I own my own business, (my gym in Toronto) & (my online training where I train thousands of women worldwide to reach their goals). I love studying and learning about the body and getting better at my craft. I love shopping for clothes, make-up and shoes. I’m a total girly girl. I’m a budding photographer; I just got a new T5i rebel camera and I love taking pics. I love to travel, go to the beach, bike, hike, cook, watch YouTube beauty gurus and I love to Netflix binge and watch mindless television, haha.
What are your future goals both personally and professionally?
LL: I’m working very hard to take HourglassWorkout to the next level. We’ve gone international now and I’m working on something even bigger for this growing franchise of amazing trainers. If you’re a trainer and would like to bring the to your city, please e-mail me at
I’m also working on a Home Workout Program. or TWL is an intense Hourglass Body Shaping program that I created based on my own workout program and nutritional programs that I’ve created for my clients over the years. It is a tried and true curve shaping program that actually works. I’m now creating the home version. I’m super exited to launch this soon.
Instagram: @LyzabethLopez
Twitter: @LyzabethLopez
Facebook: LyzabethLopezFitness
YouTube: LyzabethLopez