Jen Jewell Interview
Jen Jewell ‘s Sample Workout Routine
Here are examples of Jen’s back and upper body circuit training routines:
Super Set #1 – 4 sets
- Chin-Ups (assisted machine, if needed)- 12 reps
- Push-Ups to Side Plank Holds- push-up and then shift to a right side plank HOLD 3 sec, push-up, then shift to a left side plank HOLD 3 sec, REPEAT until failure
Super Set # 2 – 4 sets
- Seated Cable Row w/ “V” Grip Attachment– seated on bench, proper posture, abs tight- “row” the attachment into your belly button, contracting back and squeezing shoulder blades
- Mt Climber Push-ups on Bench– 30-60 seconds
Super Set # 3 – 4 sets
- Lat Pulldown– lean back very slightly, keep abs tight, pull weight down to chest. 12 reps
- Burpees w/ Push-Up and Jump at Top– 15 reps
Upper Body Blast
- Jump Rope -30-60 seconds
- Plank Punch w/ 8-10 lbs dumbbells– 12 punches per arm, alternating arms (make sure to extend arm completely so you feel throughout the entire tricep)
- Mt Climbers– feet start on Bosu ball & then get into plank position and begin
- Barbell Shoulder Press– 12 reps
- Standing Barbell Bicep Curl– 12 reps
- Burpees– use dumbbells & standard push-up and jump at top of motion for 15 reps
Circuit 2 – 4 sets
- Skull Crushers– barbell, 8-10 reps
- Push-Up Mt Climbers OFF of Flat Bench– feet on bench, hands on floor (as though about to do a push-up, then start with the MT CLIMBERS, feet moving quickly from the bench) 60 seconds
- Incline Dumbbell Bicep Curls- bench approx. 45 degree angle, make sure to really stretch arms back and curl up for full range of motion, 12-15 reps
- Burpees w/ Tricep Push-Up– elbows in close to side,slight jump at top, 12 reps
- Lateral Raises w/ Dumbbells– standing, 8-10 reps