How to Lose Fat in the Back, Side, Arm & Thigh Muscles
A frustrating part about fat loss is that you can’t just target a specific part of your body to burn fat. There is no such thing as spot reducing. For example, you can’t just burn fat in your stomach. Fat loss happens throughout the whole body. Burning stomach fat, in this instance, is only a piece of the equation. However, what you can do is focus on strength training exercises for a specific muscle group to define those muscles. Combine this type of training with cardio and you will melt away the fat and burn tons of calories! We’ll address some specific exercises to do but burning fat mainly starts with cardio and a healthy diet.
How to Lose Back Fat
Women, in particular, have a hard time figuring out how to lose back fat. This back fat is known as the “bra bulge”, “muffin top” and “back boob”, among other nicknames. If you want to know how to lose back fat then you should focus on specific exercises to build up the muscles in the back. Pull-ups, dead-lifts and bent over rows are some of the best exercises on how to lose back fat since they pack on lean muscle. Remember, your back is made up of four main muscles: the upper consists of the rhomboids and trapezius, the middle is the lattissimus dorsi, and the lower is the erector spinae. It’s important to also focus on working those muscles that surround your back so you are well rounded and proportioned.
How to Lose Side Fat
If you want to know how to lose side fat then you need to target your love handles. This side fat, commonly called “love handles”, is belly fat collecting around your torso, which is a key indicator of poor overall health. Besides directly targeting your abdominal and oblique muscles directly, you should focus on doing main compound lifts like squats and deadlifts. These types of exercises recruit so many more muscle fibers in the body and will burn more calories than most other types of lifts. You’ll finally be able to know how to lose side fat.
How to Lose Arm Fat
You may have problems getting rid of that excess flat on the underside of your arms. Known as “bingo arms” or “bat wings”, this annoying fat is hard to shed. Focus on doing weights that work your biceps, triceps and shoulder muscles. You should really squeeze on each of the contractions to really bring blood flow throughout the entire arm muscles, which build up more lean muscle so that you’ll finally learn how to lose arm fat.
How to Lose Thigh Fat
Many women hate the thought of having those “thunder thighs”. If you are keen on knowing how to lose thigh fat then focus on doing your key compound lifts like squats and leg presses. These exercises will tax the muscular system and you’ll become leaner and more defined in your lower body. Also, try incorporating cardio with inclines. You’ll better work those thigh muscles.