DJ Trudeau Interview
What sparked your interest in fitness and bodybuilding?
DT: I always loved to be strong, look great and make progress. I was big into lifting in my early twenty’s until my situation in life changed. I went through my mid-twenty’s focusing on making money-doing things I really didn’t have passion for. I soon realized I hated that life. There was a definite moment in my life when I knew what I was going to pursue. My interest was sparked when I realized I had to find something I loved to do for a career—that something was fitness and leading people.
You grew up as an exceptional athlete and even played college ball. However, injuries took a toll on your athletic career. How did this unfortunate experience actually make you a better person and pave your way to a successful career in fitness?
DT: I really excelled at pitching, and I dominated so many games when I was healthy. Coming off injuries was a totally different story. I struggled and had to learn to stay out there on the mound, be vulnerable and figure out ways to come out on top in tough situations. But sports imbedded a killer instinct in me to win and be my very best and overcome adversity. Now when I wake up in the morning I have the passion, intensity and emotion just like I did when I played ball. I know today’s the day and I’m coming with the heat.
Have you competed in any fitness competitions? What were some of your most memorable?
DT: I have competed in 6 fitness competitions. My most memorable one was the first one. My very first fitness competition, and the very first thing I did in the industry. I worked my ass off, felt great and went on to place 16th out of 16—dead last. I was crushed. I had to look at myself in the mirror and ask what I was going to do. I made the choice to go with my heart and fight for what I wanted even harder. Two weeks later I placed 4th out of 20 and qualified for the USA’s—which was another cool experience.
You made the transition from fitness competitions to fitness modeling, appearing on top fitness magazine covers. Why did you make this change?
DT: With complete respect to people that put in the work for competitions, I realized for myself competing wasn’t for me. I saw how the game worked and just didn’t think it was conducive to my goals. Magazine work did, so I decided to go that route. And it was great to be on covers, but writing and letting my voice be heard I more where I’m headed these days.
You are even working with Men’s Fitness. What does this means to you?
DT: It’s truly an honor. Two years ago I didn’t know one person in this industry. I came in dead last my first show. To be approached by arguably the #1 Fitness magazine in the world, in such a short period of time, and to be tapped as one of the few “go to” guys is amazing. These are the things in life that are real and awesome. For the people reading this here a question for you: What’s your dream right now? Imagine you’ve achieved it, and even more. Everyone one who’s been successful started with nothing more than a dream. Make the choice to follow what your heart wants. Believe in yourself and fight as hard as you can. That’s the formula to your success. Do yourself a favor and go for it.
You are a big fan of MuscleProdigyTV’s motivational videos. We really appreciate your support. Why do you personally find our videos so motivating and would you recommend them to anyone?
DT: Yes, I’m a huge fan! What I love about the MuscleProdigyTV is the ideology of what it takes to create winner. It focuses on the mindset you need to be a champion in life in every area, including doing the dishes. If you can’t do the dishes how are you going to expect to run a fortune 500 company, be a great father, and have an on point physique. I agree 1000% that it starts in the mind and “how” you do something, rather than “what” you do. People need the correct information in order to live an extraordinary life. If the only information you needed was eating chicken and broccoli and doing 3 sets of 12 then everyone would have a six-pack.
Here’s an awesome story and I hope something similar for every person reading this:
Before I got into fitness, when I was doing my research on the game, I always studied. You have to become a student in your craft and systematically outwork the next guy. It’s your skill, which you develop from hours and hours of practice and putting in work that makes you great. Not your talent. When I was developing my skill outside the gym I would watch “The Best Motivation.” Remember, this is before I ever did anything at all in fitness. In total I’ve easily watched this video well over 100 times. Fast forward to now. I’m the Muscle Prodigy of the Month. I’m the one who’s now sharing the message just like it was shared with me. It’s awesome; it’s like knocking Tyson out in the 10th. It reveals the map, the path of growth and accomplishment. How could I not have supreme confidence now to do whatever I want? And I will. You have to right now, take that step towards that dream in your heart. If you don’t you might never live. If Rich and Jaret (MuscleProdigyTV founders) didn’t break through their initial mental barriers, I might not be where I am. So how many millions of people are you hurting by not doing what you’re meant to do? It’s your duty and there’s no better time then now to start going in that direction. All it takes is choice. Take that first step and keep steppin’. No matter if you come in last place in the first thing you try, keep going. Champions know who they are and they don’t quit. I’ve dedicated my life to sharing these principals. YOU can have an extraordinary life if you believe and I’m excited to share with the world my principals and methods to success. Thank you MuscleProdigy for paving the way.
Did having a son have a profound impact on your life?
DT: That’s a resounding YES. It’s really tough to put into words, but here’s my best shot. Before I had my Son I was moving fast toward things that would have probably meant my death. I’ve always been full of passion but was never grounded. Passion can be used on things that can severely hurt your life or even end it. You need to be very clear on what you’re focusing on and always move in that direction, while having the strength and knowledge to steer clear from the dream killers. When my Son came into play I found my “reason” I found my why. He’s 8 years old now and I’ve been through a lot even since he’s been born, but because of him I’m focused, and I work relentlessly on being the man I’m meant to be. When I wake up in the morning I think about him. I meditate on him. I think about what I need to do THIS DAY to be great for him. I think about how he’ll think of the champion Dad he has. I’ll do whatever it takes to be the example to show him strength, courage and love. His name’s Draiden. All the principals I’m teaching you I teach him. His athletic skills can match up with any 8 year old you’ve ever seen. I didn’t say talent, I said skills. There are kids much more athletic. His mindset is strong, and growing by the day. We work on mind and body every time we’re together. I might be most proud about this accomplishment though. He’s in the “advanced” class at a school with a very tough curriculum. I don’t even know if I could get a “C” in his classes! LOL. They have spelling tests every week and he’s the only one in his class that hasn’t missed one all year. He’s great. He’s my heart. With all that said, if he had none of that I’d still love him just the same, and he knows that. I hear a lot of parents say they’re just kids, let them relax; let them do what they want. I believe that will create a mediocre mindset—you just helped you child go to the worst place possible. We’re here to create champions. The equalizer is making sure everyone knows that love comes first.
Do you take any supplements? Why do you believe these supplements are beneficial for you and do you recommend them to others?
DT: I do take supplements. And everyone wants that shortcut and they think taking that pill will get them the body of the dude on the magazine magazine. Wrong! The supplements I take are mainly for my overall health, not just muscle. Here’s what I’m taking right now: Whey protein-Build muscle Essential fatty acids, good for overall health CLA good for overall health as well as fat loss Glutamine-amino acid, Good for recovery Coq10-Good for the heart, cellular production Collagen-Good for hair, skin, ect. 48 oz. of Organic green juice daily. If you could choose only one thing to ingest daily this is what my recommendation would be.
What’s your favorite workout to do and why?
DT: Now you’re getting to the tough questions! I’m going to answer it like this. My favorite workout is the one where I’m in the supreme zone of killin’ it. Those workouts where you walk out of there after 2 hours of straight destruction. We get a good one every workout. But there are those one’s that go down in the books. That’s my favorite; it could be any body part. No matter what’s going on in your life when you’re in the gym everything else just goes away. It’s you against you and how hard you’re going to bring it right now. I love it, it’s therapeutic.
What do you like to do in your free time?
DT: I’ve had a lot of free time in my life and have made the most of it! For now, it’s time for me to put all of my heart and focus on my purpose in life. I understand the concept of time and with the task at hand I know every second is extremely valuable. That’s my choice right now and I’ve never been more happy and empowered. Down the road I’ll definitely adjust but for now I have to do what it takes to achieve my mission, and it’s going to take all day, everyday to get there.
Do you have any guidance for our readers that are looking to build a top-notch physique and learn your secrets to success?
DT: YES! Go to!. This groundbreaking information will show the way to connect where you are right now to having everything you’ve ever wanted. I’ve written a book called “The EPIK Breakthrough: How to Transform Your Life in 17 Days.” Make sure to download this book RIGHT NOW and learn the principals to becoming extraordinary. I’m offering this to you for free right now, but make no mistake, you cannot put a price tag on how this book will rock your life forever. Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
What are your future goals both personally and professionally?
DT: Well, personally I’m going to continue to build myself to have all the qualities of a great individual. This is something I have to fight for daily. I will be the best leader I can and always do my best to stay true to myself. I will show individuals that they designed to be great and to follow their heart! What it takes is knowledge and decision to be that person. I see people become who their meant to be daily. I followed my heart to find that my purpose and in doing so it’s created an extraordinary life. Professionally I’m working diligently on my present goal First off I have to thank my amazing team. Michael, Michele and Jeff. You are incredible and relentless. EPIKLIFE.COM wouldn’t be here without you. Love you so much. Our goal is to influence as many people as we can to live the life they we’re designed to. We’re going to show individuals how to bridge the gap between where they are now and the life of their dreams. This is our mission; we all create “a body of one” that has our own purposes to full for the greatest of all good. Other goals include going into public speaking and write a best selling book. I’m really excited to speak live in front of huge crowds to create a synergy and a power of one with every person in the audience to positively change the course of history. In doing so the people we touch will become people that also spread the message themselves. Nothing but real, genuine truth always.