Ditch the Weight Gloves, Straps, Lifting Belts & Chalk
Weightlifting equipment can be found in many types, and there are some items that should only be used occasionally, according to many experts and experienced bodybuilders. These include weight belts, lifting straps, body wraps, chalk, and gloves. While many use one or more of these accessories a lot of the time, there are some strong arguments against each of these items. If you want to get the best possible results and get the muscle mass and strength that you are striving for then this equipment is better left at home most of the time. These types of equipment can be useful to lift heavier loads and really shock the muscles to new growth. However, this heavier weight can cause you to break out of form and injure yourself. In other words, if you can’t lift it, don’t do it.
Bodybuilders and fitness professionals have their own way of doing things, and their own preferences and thoughts on which equipment is needed and what items are better left alone. It is true that many still use gloves, weight belts, lifting straps, or chalk. Just because these accessories are still being used on a wide basis does not make them the best choice for meeting your health, safety, and fitness goals. Relying on these items could inhibit your ability to workout or cause you to be less effective during a training session.
The Arguments Against Weight Belts
Lifting belts are a frequently used accessory for many bodybuilders and serious weightlifters. Many view these items as a crutch though, and claim that they actually increase your injury risk and restrict your training abilities. When you use a belt, you will be able to lift more, which could cause a serious injury. You are actually putting additional strain on the weakest areas of the body when you deadlift or squat while using weight belts, and you could end up with knee or spinal injuries that sidetrack your training routine and impact the results that you can achieve. Many experts advise strengthening the core muscles rather than using a belt. Anyone can gain an additional 10-30 pounds simply by wearing a weight belt. If you do not have these accessories available then you may not be able to train on schedule. Going on vacation or traveling can be difficult because you must pack all of the accessories needed to train while you are away, or you could end up losing strength and seeing smaller mass because you can not workout. The only time this is recommended by some experts is if you are in a competition where even a few pounds could have an effect on the outcome, and even this is not always the best method in many cases.
Lifting Strap And Body Wrap Disadvantages and Risks
Lifting straps and joint wraps are commonly used by bodybuilders and weight training enthusiasts, but these are artificial aids that may increase your risk of injury. You can probably lift more weight when you use lifting straps or have your knees and wrists wrapped but that is not always a good thing. Consider the weakest part of your body, and then consider how any extra weight will impact this area. Bicep tears, knee injuries, and many other problems have been seen when lifting straps or wraps are used on a regular basis. Most professionals prefer minimalist lifting and training, and this means going without lifting straps or any wraps at all. You will generally get better results and greater gains when your body is forced to do all of the work. Using straps or wrapping certain areas to help you increase the amount you are lifting on a regular basis means that you are not developing the stronger core needed to lift the same amount naturally and without any artificial assistance.
Is Chalk Necessary for Weightlifting?
Chalk is one of the most commonly used grip agents by bodybuilders, and it is also frequently used by many other types of athletes. The theory is that the chalk allows you to grip the equipment better and minimizes the risk of losing your grip during a routine. Any sweat you produce is absorbed by the chalk. Many use chalk because it is fairly inexpensive, easy to find and buy, and it can ensure a grip that does not slip. This substance is also very messy, difficult to clean off of any equipment used, and may not be allowed in many gyms. The choice to use chalk is a personal one, but many have found that the use of this substance is a big pain. There are other alternatives that can be used instead, or you can choose to go bare and work on making your grip better without any additional substances or products. Some prefer using chalk in an effort to minimize any callouses that develop, but these areas of tough skin can be very beneficial when you are serious about the weight being lifted.
Bare Hands Vs Gloves: Which is Better?
In most cases, the use of gloves while lifting weights is actually a hindrance instead of a help. There are many reasons why some professionals and a number of experts advocate going bare rather than wearing gloves. These items can be costly to replace on a regular basis, and they could harm your muscle building goals rather than helping you reach these milestones. In addition, wearing gloves while lifting weights could put you at a higher risk of injury. When you wear lifting gloves, you will weaken your grip instead of making it stronger. When a thicker bar is used, you may not be able to grip properly because of the glove thickness, and this could mean less muscle gain and a higher chance of injury due to an improper or ineffective grip. When you are performing presses or using the bench, you will usually find that wearing gloves will interfere with the proper technique needed. Instead of being properly positioned, you may find that you end up with your wrists rolled back, and this can increase the strain on these joints and put you at greater risk for injury. A common misconception is that wearing gloves while lifting weights will keep you from getting callouses on your hands. This is not true. These accessories may mean that the calloused area takes longer to develop, but eventually you will see the skin toughen up and get harder as time goes by even if you wear gloves for every lifting session.