Christmas Holiday Gift Ideas for the Fitness Buff
It’s that time of the year again with the Christmas holiday just around the corner and gift-buying days dwindling. However, if you’re stumped for Christmas (or Hannukah or other holidays that you may celebrate) for gift ideas and your loved ones are involved in some form of fitness program, sports team, or exercise training routine then check out these good gift selections that are sure to put a smile on their fit faces.
Gift Idea #1 – Gym Pass or Membership –
This is one of the top gift choices for making your fitness friend happy. If they don’t visit the gym often, or already are involved in a sport with a training facility, give a gym pass so they can try it out or get some extra training time in. If they are already a member of a gym, giving them their next membership period as a gift is sure to make them smile.
Gift Idea #2 – Event Tickets –
Can’t go wrong buying season or even one-time tickets to your loved one’s favorite team, match, bout or event!
Gift Idea #3 – Resistance Band Set –
A great gift for a fitness friend. Exercise tubes are an ideal selection for anyone who’s involved in working out in any shape or form. Fitness bands can be used at home or the office and are excellent fitness choices for travelers.
Gift Idea #4 – Hoodie –
There’s nothing like slipping on a nice, thick hoodie after a hard workout to head home in, especially on cold days. A plus is having the person’s favorite sports team or idol added.
Gift Idea #5 – Sports Theme Video Game –
Your guy friends in particular will love this one. Consider some of the top sports video game choices like EA Sports MMA (Play Station 3, Xbox 360), Hot Shots Tennis (Play Station Portable), Kinect Sports (Xbox 360), NBA Elite 11 (Play Station 3, Xbox 360), Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 (PC, PS2, PS3, PSP, Xbox 360, Wii), Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 (PS3, Wii, Xbox 360, iPhone), Madden NFL 11 (PS2, PS3, PSP, Wii, Xbox 360, iPhone), or WWE SmackDown vs. Raw Online (PC).
Gift Idea #6 – Signed Memorabilia –
If you know your Christmas gift recipient’s favorite sport or fitness hero then grabbing a niche collectible signed by them will sit on your friend’s trophy shelf for all to admire.
Gift Idea #7 – Gym Bag –
Avid fitness buffs go through gym bags like crazy. Nab one with a sport great or team logo and you’re in like Flynn.
Gift Idea #8 – iPod Shuffle –
Excellent Christmas gift selection for any fitness fan as it is lightweight, holds 2 gigabytes and comes with a built-in clip. Provide a personal touch by having it engraved with a special saying and uploading your loved one’s favorite fitness jam playlist.
Gift Idea #9 – Swiss Ball –
Another piece of portable workout equipment that can be used by anyone involved in a fitness program. Swiss balls are inflatable so can be carried anywhere, can be used for various core strength exercises and even make great pool toys for your friends with kids.
Gift Idea #10 – Pre-Workout Supplements –
If your guy or gal is into weightlifting or bodybuilding then pre-workout supplements wrapped with a ribbon will get them pumped.