Can I improve my fitness, strength and looks with MP45?
I have received numerous questions about my MP45 Program so I will be answering these questions throughout the website. I am sure many of you have the same kinds of questions so I want to address them in as much detail as possible. I have received unbelievable amounts of positive feedback and transformation stories. I can’t thank you all enough for your support. You all define the term “Muscle Prodigy” in your own special way. If you haven’t checked out MP45, you can find it HERE
If you have any questions regarding the MP45 Program, I am here to help. Email me at and I will personally answer your question as soon as possible.
Question from Tom:
Hello Jaret,
So, I’m 16 and I have applied for a military college (I live in Britain) and it requires a few fitness sections! They are not too difficult, apart from the press ups which I’m not very good at! However I would like to improve my fitness, strength and looks! Will your program help with speed doing 1.5 miles – 5 miles, along with sprinting which I have seen? Furthermore will the program help with being good at press ups? Or do I need to practice them? Or both? I don’t have a lot of money so what sort of foods regularly occur in the diet? (As to get an idea of how expensive it will be!) Just to check, is the program suitable for 16 year olds? Finally by the end of the 45 days if I stick to the program perfectly am I guaranteed to be much more toned, much fitter and much stronger? (I don’t have much fat)
Answer from Jaret Grossman, Creator of MP45:
Thank you for reaching out. If you are interested in attending military college then MP45 will certainly get your body prepared to compete at the highest level and you will get in the best shape of your life. This is the exact training protocol I followed to get down to 6% body fat, run a 5:10 mile, run a 4.45 40 yd dash, do over 250 push ups in a row, and squat 325 lbs. for 21 reps all at 197 pounds for the national wrestling tournaments I participated in. As a result, I was able to be a 3X All-American collegiate athlete due to my ability to be stronger, more explosive and in better shape than the competition. This was all a byproduct of my training regimen – no one went through what I went through. But my program brings you up to speed quickly by increasing the intensity and workload with each passing week at the levels your body can handle. The first week eases you into it so practically anyone can perform it and each week is progressively harder. This is the perfect program if you want to transition yourself from where you currently are to where you want to be! Not only that, but I detail everything about nutrition – your diet will have a synergistic effect on your results (your body fat levels, your strength gains, your conditioning, and your energy levels) – no other program goes into depth in both aspects – nutrition and training (both strength training and cardiovascular conditioning) like I do.
So to answer your question, yes you will get in tremendous shape to run your best mile time or 5 mile time, and be explosive for sprinting. You will also gain significant strength, especially for your bodyweight due to the activation of fast-twitch muscle fibers (which force your body to grow in strength even without producing hypertrophy where your muscles get larger in volume- my program will do both). This is the most well-rounded program out there. In terms of the diet, I give you a list of foods you can eat every day – however, you don’t have to eat those exact foods (you just need to eat the same macronutrient profile and glycemic load per meal).
You can eat for under 10 dollars a day if you do it right. For instance, canned tuna/salmon/chicken, instant oatmeal, fruits, eggs, and frozen vegetables are the staples in my diet- all extremely inexpensive items. A jug of whey protein turns out to be less than $1 per serving. A good recommendation is for you to cook grilled chicken breasts and sweet potatoes all on Sunday that will last you the rest of the week. You can get everything made for the week for under $50 and you just need to tupperware everything. A meal like eggs and oatmeal will come out to under $1 a meal if you prepare it at home. Also, something like a bowl of cottage cheese will come at around $1 per serving. It’s not expensive to eat right! I wish you the best of luck moving forward with your goals!