You were out late with your buddies or worked overtime. Your travel schedule is all out of whack. Whatever the case may be, you’ve probably munched […]

You were out late with your buddies or worked overtime. Your travel schedule is all out of whack. Whatever the case may be, you’ve probably munched […]
It turns out that skinny fat may actually be more dangerous than being obese. A new study from Annals of Internal Medicine found that excess belly […]
You see many people on social media these days showing off their ripped bodies. But how far would someone go to achieve a perfect physique? Lee […]
If you plan on drinking alcohol, use these 5 drinking tips so you can fight that terrible hangover! 1) Avoid sugary mixers and energy drinks- […]
Did you know that the average American consumes more than 4,500 calories and a whopping 229 grams of fat on Thanksgiving? The average holiday dinner alone […]
There are tons of supplements geared towards lean muscle growth and recovery after a vigorous workout. However, remember that not all supplements will work for you […]
I’m sure you’ve been there before. You’re walking outside, enjoying your day, until you get stuck behind wandering tourists or window shoppers. You may even be […]
The World Health Organization warns bacon and other processed meats can cause cancer, even now classifying processed meats in the same cancer risk category as smoking […]
The overwhelming joy from having a new child also comes with stress, lack of sleep, and even near-guaranteed weight gain. A new study from the American […]
Climbing over 18,000 feet is hard enough. Try doing it with a barbell on your back. Russian powerlifter Andrey Rodichev climbed Russia’s mighty Mount Elbrus, doing […]