Add Dimension & Versatility to Your Workout with Resistance Bands
If you’re looking for an edge in strength training, developing muscle tone and increasing your range of motion and flexibility then you should incorporate resistance bands into your workout routine. Besides providing extra dimension to your fitness regimen by working various muscle groups from different angles, exercise bands are also convenient, portable and inexpensive. If muscles are not constantly challenged with various exercises, they become accustomed to a particular workout and adapt, losing the ability to gain mass. For this reason, bodybuilders continually alternate between barbells, dumbbells and exercise machines. However, because of the versatility of resistance cords, more muscle can be amassed by offering your body the challenges it needs with resistance band training.
Benefits of Resistance Bands
A wide range of improvements to your overall bodybuilding and fitness experience can be acquired through exercise bands. Dozens upon dozens of exercises can be performed that build, strengthen and tone your physique. Following is a list of some of the most significant advantages and benefits of utilizing fitness tubes in your exercise program.
User Friendly – Resistance bands are easy to use by practically anyone. Even those with physical disabilities can benefit from such exercises. For example, exercise bands are often used to aid multiple sclerosis patients with blood circulation and to prevent rapid muscle degradation.
Improve Muscle Tone and Flexibility – Exercise bands offer a mechanical advantage in that, throughout the entirety of the motion, resistance is maintained. Bands add a greater degree of muscle exercise than free weights due to the limited movements and angles of weight training. Also, both the concentric and eccentric movements of each exercise receive resistance. This allows for a better compilation of muscle strength and stimulation.
Increased Range of Motion – A greater range of motion can be obtained by using resistance bands, even more so than with cable machines. The versatility provided by fitness tubes means you can work out muscles from virtually every angle and press or pull to your full range of motion, whereby machines limit such motion by controlling at what point you start and stop.
Improve Certain Sports Movements – Resistance cords offer improvements in certain movements required by some sports because they allow you to mimic them. For example, bands can be used to strengthen and provide greater flexibility in your tennis or golf swing.
Use for Rehabilitation – Those who have experienced an injury can rehabilitate the areas through fitness tubes. They can also be used to keep the rest of you fit until you’re healed and ready to hit the gym again.
Good Exercise Source for Seniors – Seniors can use resistance bands to safely and effectively improve muscle tone and increase flexibility. Weight training can often lead to injury in seniors and so exercise bands provide a great alternative for staying healthy.
Easily Portable – Because fitness bands are compact, fitting into a small bag, and because they can be used almost anywhere, they provide a means to keep toned and in shape when traveling, at home, or at work.
Bottom Line
Due to the large advantage and overall benefits which resistance bands provide, and because they are extremely cost effective, there is no good reason why they shouldn’t be incorporated into your exercise program. You will receive greater strength, muscle tone, flexibility and range of motion than depending on free weights and cable machines alone.