Eating Your Way to Health
|A healthy diet is essential to foster a healthy lifestyle. Many people believe that if you exercise regularly then you could eat whatever you want. That is a complete myth. You could workout vigorously everyday but if you eat like crap then it is going to reflect on your physique and your overall health, both physically and mentally. You could be the kind of person who has great genetics enabling you to pig out and still remain cut. Nevertheless, you will be shredded, feel better about yourself, and live a healthier and more fulfilling life if you eat healthier.
If you neglect healthy eating habits, you have a higher chance of becoming overweight or obese. In addition, you can become more prone to depression, cancer and disease. Shouldn’t that be more of a reason to eat healthier?
Here are the five basic guidelines to maintain a healthy diet:
#1 – Consume enough calories: The average person should consume 2,000 calories a day. Nevertheless, if you are an athlete or go to the gym then you should expect to raise your calorie intake to meet your energy needs. Remember, your ideal calorie intake should depend on your gender, height, weight and physical activity.
#2 – Eat a variety of foods: This should not just include whole grains and proteins, but plenty of fruits and vegetables. Most people fail to have an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables in their diets. Fruits and vegetables are an essential source of antioxidants that are hard to find elsewhere.
#3 – Be cautious: Whenever you buy food in a supermarket, be sure to check the food labels and ingredients. Just because something can be low in fat or reduced in sugar does not mean it is always healthier. Food companies have the tendency to add other unhealthy ingredients in the food to make up for the reduction of fat/sugar/carbohydrates or whatever it may be. In addition, wheat flour is not the same as whole wheat flour. When you want to buy whole wheat or whole grain bread, make sure the first ingredient says “whole wheat flour” and not just “wheat flour”. Wheat flour is not whole grain. In addition, before ordering food in a restaurant, you should ask your waiter or waitress if he or she could bring you any nutritional facts about specific meals. You will be shocked to see some of the fat content in these foods!
#4 – Eat smaller portions: You should have smaller meals throughout your day. If you eat 2-3 large meals a day, your body’s blood sugar levels will increase, which may contribute to weight gain and feeling bloated. If you limit yourself to 5-6 smaller meals a day then your body can metabolize the food faster and you will get constant energy and nutrients throughout the day.
#5- Eat junk food in moderation: Junk food can dramatically alter your physique and make you feel depressed, along with contributing to numerous health problems. However, people eat these foods because they simply taste good. So enjoy life, have some pizza or candy here or there, but never ever take advantage of your body! Remember, staying consistent is key!
Besides the five aforementioned guidelines, there are numerous other steps to develop a healthier regimen. The Internet or even a book is a great first start in learning about a healthier diet and the benefits it can have on your health. You should also ask for the help of others knowledgeable enough in the subject to help you devise healthier eating plans. In addition, you should gain the support of friends and family to make sure you are abiding by a healthier appetite. Your self-esteem and overall health will undoubtedly be reflected by your eating habits because, as many doctors say, you are what you eat.