5 Small Healthy Meals

Below is an awesome meal plan consisting of 5 meals that are easy to get throughout the day. This is a great meal plan that consists of complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fats. It’s pretty easy to prepare and doesn’t require too much brainpower. In fact, I ate this exact meal structure today, so you can too. Make sure to drink a gallon of water a day especially when training hard.

In regards to this meal plan, it works in a reverse pyramid sort of way in terms of the carbohydrate values. It starts off with a hefty portion of heavy carbohydrates in the morning and tails off throughout the day to eliminate them completely at nighttime.

However, you need to make sure that you remain in what’s known as an alkaline state. You should try to limit your starch with your protein because that can turn your body acidic, which not only can be harmful to your health, but also is bad for fat burning. Here’s a diet plan for the day that is measured to keep your body in an optimal state for fat-burning.


Meal 1- Breakfast
3 Whole Hard Boiled Eggs
2 Packets of Instant Oatmeal (Mixed with Water) with Blueberries, Blackberries, and Strawberries
100% Natural Grapefruit Juice


Meal 2- Lunch
Grilled Chicken, Lettuce, Tomato, Roasted Red Peppers, Mozzarella, Olive Oil, Balsamic Vinegar on a Whole Wheat Wrap
Glass of Water with 2 Squeezed Lemons (Help Alkalize the Body)


Meal 3- Mid-Day Snack
Fruit Salad


Meal 4- Dinner
Greek Salad
Whole Tilapia
Carrots and Peas
Small Whole Wheat Pita


Meal 5- Pre-Bedtime Snack
1/2 cup Greek Yogurt
Glass of Water with 2 Squeezed Lemons (Help Alkalize the Body)

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