5 Rapid Recipes for On-the-Go Bodybuilders
If you’re spending time and effort getting ripped, but lack the time to prepare good, cooked meals, you don’t want to lose diet ground by indulging in fattening fast food burgers or processed poisoned snacks. Skimping on your diet a bit here and bit there in the name of convenience is just the beginning of a journey down the slippery slopes which lead to fat gain and the loss of lean muscle mass.
Luckily, healthy meals can also be conveniently prepared and enjoyed in a breeze by the ravenous bodybuilder. Just try out the following 5 no-cook recipes which contain nutritious and balanced portions of carbs, proteins and fats which complement, not destroy, your bodybuilding routine.
Recipe #1 – Granola Day Starter
When you need to bounce up and hit the day running, this quick and easy granola breakfast is the perfect meal to provide your hungry body with the nutrients and energy it needs to get the busy day moving.
What you’ll need:
- ½ cup raw oats
- ½ scoop vanilla protein powder
- 2 T dried cranberries
- 2 T slivered almonds
- 1 T unsalted pumpkin seeds
- ½ cup skim milk
- ½ cup fresh berries (your choice)
In a bowl, mix together the oats, cranberries, slivered almonds, pumpkin seeds and protein powder. Top the mixture with fresh berries and add the skim milk
Recipe #2 – Savory Salmon Wrap
Not only is this one delicious, but it provides the key elements of protein and healthy fat, both of which are essential in a fitness program. Substitute Greek yogurt and fat-free cream cheese for fattening mayonnaise to add an extra kick of protein and keep your wrap tasty and moist.
What you’ll need:
- ½ can boneless salmon
- 1 T Greek yogurt
- 2 T fat-free cream cheese
- 3 slices of onion (finely chopped)
- 3 washed spinach leaves
- 1 whole wheat wrap
Whip the yogurt, cream cheese and salmon together. Add the onion and mix lightly. Spoon the mixture onto the wrap and place the spinach leaves on top. Wrap up and you’re off!
Recipe #3 – Power Protein Pita
This satisfying meal on-the-go is packed with protein rich tuna and adds a healthy source of fat via avocado. Prep this pita for a protein power-punch that will knock out any urge for junk food.
What you’ll need:
- 1 can of tuna (drained)
- ½ avocado (sliced)
- ½ cup spinach leaves (diced)
- 2 or 3 apple slices
- 1 whole wheat pita wrap
- Selection of other vegetables (optional)
Place the can of tuna into the pita wrap. Add the avocado slices, diced spinach leaves and sliced apples. Top with any additional veggie selections such as mushrooms, carrots, peppers, etc.
Recipe #4 – Triumphant Turkey and Peanut Butter Sandwich
Run out the door with this sensational sandwich that is packed with healthy protein and carbs.
What you’ll need:
- 2 T peanut butter
- 3 or 4 slices of lean turkey breast
- 2 or 3 slices of cucumber
- 1 tomato (sliced)
- 1 or 2 leaves of romaine lettuce
- 2 slices of Ezekiel bread
- Seasoning of choice (mustard, black or cayenne pepper)
Spread the peanut butter on the slices of Ezekiel bread. Add the turkey, lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes. If you prefer, add a dash of your favorite fat-free flavoring for a tantalizing taste bud boost.
Recipe #5 – Shrimp Salad Shazam!
This rapid recipe adds the punch of protein along with a dash of carbs and fat via the shrimp and (optional) sunflower seeds. Salads are excellent meals for both bodybuilders and dieters who have busy lives because they’re light and full of nutrients. Add some whole wheat crackers or grab a piece of fruit for “dessert” to make the meal more filling.
What you’ll need:
- 1 dozen precooked shrimp (shells removed)
- 2 cups of spinach
- 3 to 5 mushrooms (sliced)
- 6 cherry tomatoes (halved)
- 2 or 3 T dressing (olive oil and apple cider vinegar)
- Pepper and unsalted, shelled sunflower seeds (optional)
Put the spinach in a bowl or container and add the shrimp, mushrooms and tomatoes. Top with dressing. You can add a dash of pepper for flavor and/or sunflower seeds for a bit of crunch to this salad’s punch.
There you have it! Five fast and nutritional no-cook recipes that will keep your day moving without having to compromise on “convenient” fast foods or unhealthy treats.