10 Tips to Get Fit and Lose Fat
When it comes to losing unsightly body fat and getting into incredible shape, it comes down to one very simple formula: Burn more calories than you consume. There are no magic pills or secret formulas that can help you lose weight and get fit, although billions of dollars are spent each year in the search for such weight loss cure-alls. Your money is much better spent heading to the gym and investing in nutritious foods, fitness trainers, and exercise programs that assist you with getting the most out of your effort.
With this in mind, the following are 10 tips which will help you in your journey to achieve both fat loss and total fitness:
1) Create an Exercise Plan with Realistic Goals – It can be very easy to falter and fail in a fitness program if you don’t set out a specific exercise plan that gives you achievable goals along the way. The plan gives you focus while obtainable goals give you both satisfaction and motivation as you reach them.
2) Exercise More – As stated before, you have to burn more calories than you consume in order to eliminate body fat. In order to burn calories at a rate that will draw off of fat reserves, you have to exercise more. One of the fastest ways to lose fat and build a nice physique is to get involved in a high intensity weight training program. Heavy weightlifting builds more muscle, creates more definition and increases anabolic metabolism (which is key in burning calories for hours after your workout is over).
3) Add Variety to Your Workouts – Although weight training is one of the best ways to get fit fast, you should add other forms of exercise to your fitness routine, which will not only help you burn fat, but also keep you from getting bored. For example, combine cardio workouts with your resistance training into circuits, or complete supersets such as pull-ups immediately followed by burpees. You can also use resistance bands to add variety to your workout routine.
4) Reduce Rest Periods During Workouts – This is a key factor for increasing your anabolic metabolism rate, which is essential for maximizing fat loss and workout energy levels. Reduce your rest periods between exercises to 30-60 seconds and resist the urge to stop and chat during your program. Not only will this accelerate fitness and fat reduction, but it will also shorten your workout times.
5) Consume a Nutritious Diet – By changing your eating habits to healthier and more nutritious foods, you will get fit and lose weight faster. However, you should not only eat more nutritious foods, but eat smaller portions more times per day. Consuming 6 small portions of healthy foods and snacks will help to regulate your body’s metabolism, which will in turn, assist you in losing weight and increasing energy levels.
6) Consume Lots of Protein – Lean body mass can be achieved by including more protein-rich foods in your diet. Not only is protein used to build and repair muscle fiber, but it also increases your body’s thermic level because protein uses more energy to process than fat or carbs. High protein foods also keep you fuller longer so you don’t give in to sporadically snacking.
7) Drink More Water – Water is an essential element for the proper functioning of all your body’s systems. Most Americans don’t drink sufficient amounts of water, mainly because other drinks have been created as a water-like alternative. A recent study found that 65% of people receive a high level of calories from such beverages. By eliminating sodas, high fructose-filled juices and sports drinks and replacing them with water, not only will you perform better and have more energy, but you will lose weight faster as well.
8) Get Professional Assistance – If you don’t want to wait months to get into top shape, employ the help of knowledgeable trainers or buy a fitness program to follow.
9) Utilize Exercise Partners – Many people are not self-motivated and quickly lose interest in exercise programs after a short time. One way to remedy this is to exercise with a partner or a group that makes you accountable to them and vice versa. Not only will a workout partner or group help you stay committed to your exercise program, but they will also help encourage you to workout harder, which will cause you to achieve your goals faster.
10) Be Patient and Persistent – It takes both time and effort to lose weight and to get into peak shape. Therefore, remain patient and keep at your personal training program. Before long, you will reach your goals and look and feel like a million bucks!